Next Steps Sunday is coming, and we are excited to celebrate you!

Join us at Collective on June 2nd as we celebrate the end of a school year and the start of new beginnings! Next Steps Sunday is all about recognizing big transitions in the lives of our kids, specifically those who are graduating into new environments, or those who are graduating out of Collective Kids altogether, taking their “Next Steps” as they grow in their faith and learn what it means to own their growth. Such milestones should be celebrated, and celebrated big! We hope to see you there!

How are We celebrating?

That morning, after both the 9:15am and 11am services, we’re having a party! So once you’ve picked up your kids from Collective Kids, head outside for a sweet treat and some extra special outdoor fun!

Next Steps Sunday will also host a Child Dedication for families with children up to 5th grade. If you would like to take your own Next Step as a parent and include your kid(s) in this year’s dedication, you can register HERE.

Who is included?

Everyone is invited to celebrate, so we hope you’ll all join in the fun after services that day! However, in our Collective Kids classes that morning, we will be honoring students who are graduating out of Pre-K and moving up into The Warehouse (K-3rd Grade), students moving from The Warehouse to the Teal Room (4th & 5th Grade), and students who are graduating out of Collective Kids altogether and heading into middle school.

So please take note: Next Steps Sunday will be the final Sunday our rising Kindergarteners will be in their Pre-K class, the final Sunday our 3rd graders will be in the Warehouse, and the final Sunday our rising 6th graders will be in Collective Kids.

Why does this matter?

On Next Steps Sunday, we want to celebrate with your kids---celebrate how much they’ve learned, how much they’ve grown, and the steps they’ve taken thus far in their faith, whether this is a significant year of transition for them or not. With every Sunday that passes, your kids are growing in their faith and taking steps in their faith. And every “Next Step” is a step worth celebrating!


Feel free to reach out to the Collective Kids Team if you have any questions about this big day.